A stupid Trollpasta by me...not you

Last friday night, some werid shit happened to me. Sometimes I wish it hadn't happened but I am not lucky so there. It all started at a shity ass roller rink. I was with my pals Ross, Andrew, and some other people who have no importance to the story so who cares about them. Ross, Andrew and I were sitting at one of the stupid tables at the roller rink. Ross was pretending his long blue hair was a beard and Andrew and I were laughing at the funniness of Ross. This is where things started to go wrong, because nothing ever goes right in a trollpasta. Andrew turned to me and said " Wanna make out?" I started to get a boner and that's when I realized something. I couldn't get a boner because....I AM A GIRL! I felt my crotch and instead of a vag-vag, there was a pe-pe. I screamed so loud that for once Andrew stopped flirting with me. "what's wrong?" Ross asked as he let go of his hair. "I've grown a penis." Andrew fainted and fell onto the rink. Ross gave me a "WTF R U TALK"N 'bout?" look and then his hair turned pink. Something wasn't right. Last my doctor, Dr. Mario, had checked, I was a girl and Ross didn't have stupid hair (because he looked so fab with his blue hair.) Then I remembered another thing. Since when did I have a doctor? (Because let's ignore the fact that my doctor was Dr. Mario.) Andrew woke up and when he looked at me his eyes were glowing white. Then Andrew looked at my "pouch" between my pants and barfed up rainbows. The rainbows shot into the sky and suddenly me, Ross and Andrew were the only ones at the crapy roller rink. Then I felt my pe-pe turn back into a vag-vag. 5 seconds and 20 milliseconds later, a giant TV appeared in front of us. On the screen was my boyfriend Will. "Hi." Will said as if he wasn't on TV in front of us. (unfinished) (WTF AM I DOING)